Current Offerings

Read Like a Writer, Write Like a Writer: Prose Workshop

You’re a writer—and a reader—but the question remains: how do you read to become a better writer? Books are invaluable collaborators—to a writer, reading is more than the knee-jerk reaction of like/dislike; it is an investigation into why and how a narrative works through a close study of its craft—and then mirroring it. Over the course of five classes, you’ll be introduced to one essay and one short-story by renowned writers that are each paired with a guided discussion that culminates in a creative writing prompt. The following week, you’ll share your own creative work inspired by what has been read and receive feedback. You’ll not only complete the course with new work, but with new reading habits that allow you to appreciate and utilize the craft in whatever book you read next.

-April 30-May 28, Tuesdays, 6:00 to 8:00pm PST @ the Attic Institute in Portland, OR (5-weeks)

-Learn more or register at

Grief Work: Honoring Sorrow as a Generating Motor

Writers cannot decide what to do with grief. It has wrongly been called too sentimental or too cold. Too traumatic or too unoriginal. But regardless of the current writerly opinion about it, grief is going nowhere. So how do we write about it? How do we write with it? This generative class will help writers investigate how writing with/from grief or sorrow can be a catalyst for creative discovery that honors both the writer’s experience and bolsters the quality of what appears on the page. Learning how to write about grief with curiosity is for the writer who wants to make unexpected, illuminating, and gratifying narratives despite (or because of) the gravity of the subject matter.

Students will finish this four-week course with new work from instructor-provided creative prompts, take part in excerpt-driven class discussions, and leave with a handful of new techniques for how to approach and articulate grief from a more considered, care-filled point of view.

-May 9-30, Thursdays, 6:00 to 8:00pm PST @ Literary Arts in Portland, OR (4-weeks)

-Learn more or register at

Past Offerings

Finders, Keepers: Reclaiming Agency Through Erasure & Collage

-4-week course at Literary Arts in Portland, OR

The Why & How of Writing Your Life: An Online Creative Nonfiction Workshop

-5 week online course through the Attic Institute of Arts & Letters in Portland, OR

Discover New Freedom in Writing with Erasure & Collage

-One day intensive at the Attic Institute of Arts and Letters in Portland, OR

Starting When Stuck: How to Write Through Writer’s Block

-5 week course at the Attic Institute of Arts and Letters in Portland, OR.

The Joy of Creative Nonfiction

-5 week course at the Attic Institute of Arts and Letters in Portland, OR

Creative Nonfiction Workshop: Attention to Detail or "Of Thumbs"

-4 week course at the Attic Institute of Arts and Letters in Portland, OR.